Pre-Crash: Sun was a lonely housewife who learned English in order to leave her husband, Jin. She had an affair with her English teacher, Jae Lee, who later committed suicide after Jin attacked him on orders from Sun's father, Mr. Paik.
Island: At first Sun seemed like a subservient wife. But she later broke out of her shell, even wearing a bikini. Sun did not reveal that she spoke English until she had to in order to save Jin. Once he found out she knew how to speak English, the two stopped talking to each other.
Jin and Sun reunited before Jin left on the raft in search of rescue.
Despite Jin's being sterile, Sun finds out she is pregnant and promises Jin that she has never been with another man.
Juliet uses ultrasound to determine the date of conception of Sun's baby and discovers that she conceived on the island and Jin is the baby's father. However, no woman who had conceived on the island had lived to the third trimester. Even so, Sun is happy the baby is Jin's.
Post-Island: No friends or family show up at the hospital when Sun gives birth to a baby girl, though Hurley comes shortly after to visit. Hurley and Sun take the baby to Jin's grave. Sun says she named her Ji Yeon, as Jin had said he wanted.
Strong Relationships: Kate, Michael, and Jack, though they sometimes differ on their medical views. She also seems close to Hurley in the future.
Rocky Relationships: Jin, though they are really close and Juliet, who outed her to Jin about her affair.
Island: At first Sun seemed like a subservient wife. But she later broke out of her shell, even wearing a bikini. Sun did not reveal that she spoke English until she had to in order to save Jin. Once he found out she knew how to speak English, the two stopped talking to each other.
Jin and Sun reunited before Jin left on the raft in search of rescue.
Despite Jin's being sterile, Sun finds out she is pregnant and promises Jin that she has never been with another man.
Juliet uses ultrasound to determine the date of conception of Sun's baby and discovers that she conceived on the island and Jin is the baby's father. However, no woman who had conceived on the island had lived to the third trimester. Even so, Sun is happy the baby is Jin's.
Post-Island: No friends or family show up at the hospital when Sun gives birth to a baby girl, though Hurley comes shortly after to visit. Hurley and Sun take the baby to Jin's grave. Sun says she named her Ji Yeon, as Jin had said he wanted.
Strong Relationships: Kate, Michael, and Jack, though they sometimes differ on their medical views. She also seems close to Hurley in the future.
Rocky Relationships: Jin, though they are really close and Juliet, who outed her to Jin about her affair.
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