The Lost Blog


Pre-Crash: Sayid was captured and Mr. Inman taught him to torture so that Sayid could torture his own commanding officer in order to get information.
Later, Sayid uses his torturing skills and his superior, Omar, tells him that he's doing a great job and will soon be transferred to intelligence.
A woman is captured and Sayid recognizes her as his childhood friend, Nadia. He urges her to give him some names, but she refuses and he helps her to escape.
Later, the CIA wants Sayid help recover C-4 explosives and offer to tell him where Nadia is in return. Sayid turns on his former roommate, Essam, to get the information, but tries to get Essam to run away. Instead, Essam kills himself. Sayid talks the CIA into letting him stay one more day to claim Essam's body, which then put him on Flight 815.
Island: Sayid establishes himself as mechanical and tries to use the plane's transceiver to call for help, but it doesn't work.
Sayid is captured by and then becomes friends with island inhabitant Danielle Rousseau.
Sayid falls in love with the selfish Shannon Rutherford, but she is accidentally shot by another Flight 815 passenger.
When Henry Gale is captured by Rousseau, Sayid takes him back to the hatch as a prisoner and later discovers that he is not Henry Gale, but is probably one of the Others.
Michael wants to take a group across the island, but Sayid is suspicious and comes up with a plan to meet the group over there.
Post-Island: Sayid works for Ben, killing people on a list in order to protect his friends.
Strong Relationships: After some friction early on, Jack and Sayid have become really close. Sayid was also close to Shannon, and does well with Kate.
Rocky Relationships: Sawyer, who accused him of being a terrorist, Locke, who knocked him out when he was trying to get a radio signal, Ana-Lucia, who tied him up after she shot Shannon, and Boone, who didn't want him dating Shannon.

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