Pre-Crash: When Walt was a baby, his mother, Susan Lloyd, told Michael that she was leaving him and taking Walt. She moved out of the country, and Michael fought for custody, but eventually gave up. Though he wrote to Walt all the time, Susan hid the letters from Walt.
When Walt was ten, Susan died, and Walt's stepfather, Brian Porter, didn't want Walt and flew to the U.S. to tell Michael to go to Australia and get Walt.
Michael went to get Walt and began the parenting struggle. They were flying home on Flight 815.
Island: Michael struggled to form a relationship with Walt. They often fought, and Michael was jealous of Walt's relationship with Locke.
Michael built a raft that could carry four people so that they could sail off to find rescue. He, Walt, Sawyer, and Jin sailed away on the raft, but Walt was stolen by pirates who blew up the raft. On pieces of the raft, Sawyer and Michael washed up on shore and met the Tailies. They eventually reunited with the other group of survivors.
Michael stole some guns and locked Locke and Jack in the armory to go after his son, whom he believed was communicating with him on the computer.
At the Others' camp, he briefly saw Walt and made a deal with the Others that he would bring to them Jack, Kate, Sawyer, and Hurley. Michael returned to the main beach and let non-Henry Gale go. To get control of the armory where non-Henry was being held, Michael shot Ana-Lucia, and when Libby walked in, he shot her too. He shot himself in the shoulder to make it look like he had struggled with non-Henry. He then took Sawyer, Jack, Kate, and Hurley across the island, where they were captured by the Others. In return, Michael and Walt were given a boat and coordinates, and they left the island.
Sayid and Desmond see Michael on the freighter. In front of Ray, Michael introduces himself as Kevin Johnson.
Strong Relationships: Sun and Jin. He and Jin started out as enemies, but later became close friends.
Rocky Relationships: Walt, Jack, Locke
When Walt was ten, Susan died, and Walt's stepfather, Brian Porter, didn't want Walt and flew to the U.S. to tell Michael to go to Australia and get Walt.
Michael went to get Walt and began the parenting struggle. They were flying home on Flight 815.
Island: Michael struggled to form a relationship with Walt. They often fought, and Michael was jealous of Walt's relationship with Locke.
Michael built a raft that could carry four people so that they could sail off to find rescue. He, Walt, Sawyer, and Jin sailed away on the raft, but Walt was stolen by pirates who blew up the raft. On pieces of the raft, Sawyer and Michael washed up on shore and met the Tailies. They eventually reunited with the other group of survivors.
Michael stole some guns and locked Locke and Jack in the armory to go after his son, whom he believed was communicating with him on the computer.
At the Others' camp, he briefly saw Walt and made a deal with the Others that he would bring to them Jack, Kate, Sawyer, and Hurley. Michael returned to the main beach and let non-Henry Gale go. To get control of the armory where non-Henry was being held, Michael shot Ana-Lucia, and when Libby walked in, he shot her too. He shot himself in the shoulder to make it look like he had struggled with non-Henry. He then took Sawyer, Jack, Kate, and Hurley across the island, where they were captured by the Others. In return, Michael and Walt were given a boat and coordinates, and they left the island.
Sayid and Desmond see Michael on the freighter. In front of Ray, Michael introduces himself as Kevin Johnson.
Strong Relationships: Sun and Jin. He and Jin started out as enemies, but later became close friends.
Rocky Relationships: Walt, Jack, Locke
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