Amongst other things, Lost is a member of the mystery genre. Children of instant gratification struggle with the show's attempts at slow cooking the deepest conundrums of the island and the people, but Chandler fans are right at home with Lost's casual exposition. Over three seasons, Lost hasn't quite answered as many questions as it has asked, and with an end date in sight, now is as good a time as any to assemble the remaining mysteries.
Just What IS the Island?
Who is Jacob?
By all indications, Jacob is the spirit of someone very important who Ben claims to be able to channel. But since Jacob holds the same level of importance to both the island's original people as well as relative newcomers to the Others' ranks, the supposition is that there is more than just the word of Ben holding people in line.
Does the Island Stop Aging?
Richard Alpert, whom Ben met as a child, has apparently not aged for many years, yet Ben himself grew into manhood on the island. Does the island stop aging at a specific point in the biological cycle, or is this a side effect enjoyed only by a specific group od people. Perhaps a clue, no matter how obtuse, is in the name of the Others' off-island cover company Mittelos Bioscience. Mittelos is an anagram for Lost Time. Some have suggested that aging is stopped, but only during a specific stage of life and only within the field of the island, hence time off the island would indeed be "Lost."
What is the Monster?
"The Security System" indeed seems to be protecting something , but what? Or perhaps, who? And for a security system, the Smoke Monster sure has a judgmental streak. The monster also has the apparent ability to take on the form of psychologically important beings from a character's past, including animals. When the monster first appears, it made several sounds, which seemed familiar to different characters Rose in particular. When asked where she was from, Rose replies "The Bronx." It was later revealed that one of the many sounds mixed to create the Monster's roar includes a taxi cab meter.
Adam and Eve
Discovered by Jack when he found "the caves," some of the survivors temporary home before opening the hatch, Adam and Eve was the name given to a pair of 40-50 year old corpses. The corpses seemed 'laid' to rest in the caves and were found with a black and white stone in a small satchel. One theory is that Adam and Eve are merely symbolic of the fact that other people had existed on the island without escape, and that they too may have experienced struggles of a good vs evil nature.
The Dharma Initiative
So far we have only experienced Dharma from the point of view of its workers, and even there we know that Dharma is an organization that seeks to deceive. On the Lost Season 3 Blu Ray DVD, Carlton Cuse and Damon Lindelof reveal that the map seen by Locke in "Lockdown" represented what Kelvin had reconnoitered, and that in fact there was more to the Dharma complex than depicted. The Orchid video, which was unveiled at San Diego Comic Con, was the first piece of footage that seemed to be intended for a top security level Dharma folk, and very well might contain the first indications of what Dharma was 'Really' up to.
Four Toed Statue
Does it really have four toes, or is one missing? Evolutionary biologists have predicted we will lose our fourth toe, could the statue be from the future? Where is the rest of it?
The Whispers
Are these the disembodied voices of the dead? Psychic phenomenon? What are they saying, and more importantly WHO is saying it?
Projecto Walt
With the confirmation that Walt was communicating with Michael via the hatch computer, the question of why he appeared as a projection both in season 2 and season 3 is trumped only by why he seemed four years older in season 3. We know why, but how do they plan to explain that one?
The Sickness
Will "the sickness" become "See 'The Whispers'"? A lot of people believe that the sickness is a reaction caused by exposure to the island's weird magnetism that somehow promotes the development of psychic abilities. What could make you more paranoid than knowing your friends thoughts. This could explain Walt's projecto abilities, Locke's ability to predict the weather, and might even be connected to Desmond's flashes. But for now, it's a bonafide mystery.
Healing Properties
Locke's paralysis was cured on touchdown with the island, as was Rose's cancer. Even though the island seems to have done nothing for Carl's acne, the healing properties could be related to the lack of aging. But are they a natural property, or the product of a perversion of the island's natural state? As we know from with Adam and Eve, even though some people don't seem to age, some certainly die.
Why Go Back?
After three episodes of witnessing our losties trying haplessly to escape the island, why does the head cheerleader for such an exodus, Dr. Jack, want to come back so badly that he needs to Oxy up to forget about it?
Who has Kate's Heart in the Future?
Kate is all for staying far away from the island in the future, and apparently has a mysterious 'he' at home. Since it isn't Dr. Jack, could it be Sawyer? Someone Else?
What were Kate and Sawyer Working on for the Others?
Juliet said it was a 'runway,' but then joked it was for the aliens. What was it really?
Who is on that Freighter?
If it's not Penny's boat, whose boat is it? And what do they want...
Where is Penny's Boat?
Even though the freighter isn't Penny's boat, her people were able to determine the location of the island in the season 2 finale. Will another party yet enter the frey?
Please help out...let others know what you think...
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