Okay... What is up with Jack's tattoos? Specifically the large one on his left shoulder. He doesn't even seem like a tattoo kind of guy. The tattoo's have been mentioned in the show, and he was pretty adamant about not discussing them and knowing how clues are everywhere on this show I started hunting some pics of them. It seems he has several tattoos including the one on his shoulder we see often, and Matthew Fox will never tell what it means. The giant 5 some have said comes from his days on Party of Five when another cast member got one. The Chinese characters seem to reference an ancient Chinese poem. So the tattoo was there before the show, but that doesn't appear the show writers intend to ignore it. I hear he has a few others that they've covered up on Lost, and someone reported that they had also covered up the large one with the 5 for scenes before his wedding, and it shows up again after that debaucle. I'm betting they work it into the show mythos and center a flashback ep around it. At a certain point I fear that everything means something... how much is too much?
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