When I was a physics student, I remember one of my instructors saying that he believed that faster than light travel would be achieved by science. I remember thinking that this was an odd statement because we had been taught for years that faster than light travel was impossible because it led to paradoxes: time travel, of course, being one of them. Maybe he knew something or maybe he saw that I was losing consciousness and he just wanted to say something to keep my head from hitting the desk. In recent years, several articles have appeared concerning the work of a theoretical physicist by the name of Burkhard Heim. Extending his theory leads to the possibility of sending a spacecraft into a multidimensional hyperspace (yes- I don't know what that means either) with the use of powerful magnetic fields. I don't know if any of this could lead to time travel, but the powerful magnetic field is certainly present in the fictional world of LOST. Of course, science fiction in LOST doesn't need to rely only on science in the real world. Science fiction is built mostly on previous science fiction. The first reference to previous science fiction that I noticed was the appearance of Desmond running naked through the jungle just moments before Eko's stick nearly struck Locke on the head. Desmond's mysterious appearance outside of the hatch without clothes is similar to the famous scene in The Terminator where time travelers materialize naked because clothes don't travel through time in the fictional world of The Terminator. Eko's twirling stick reminds us of the famous Dawn of Man scene in one of the most most famous science fiction movies of all time: 2001: A Space Odyssey. Unfortunately, no one really understands 2001: A Space Odyssey. Later, Desmond builds a lightning rod which captures the lightning that may otherwise have killed Claire, Charlie or the baby. Knowing the moment that lightning will strike is also a plot device in the movie Back To The Future which, of course, is a movie about time travel. Others have said that Desmond is now psychic or Claire voyant, but I'm sticking with the time travel angle. You don't want to know what happened to me! screams Desmond in a preview of things to come. It's bound to be mind blowing, but without a time machine, we're all going to have to wait to find out what really happened to Desmond.
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