The Lost Blog

Guess which Lost character is the Easter Bunny

It's good to know that whilst we attached a wad of cotton wool to our butts, some celebs were taking Easter seriously.
This particular star showed what a fan of the Christian festival she is by donning some cute, pink bunny ears.
Evangeline Lilly was just getting some stuff out of the boot of her car, whilst in Honolulu, Hawaii - where they film Lost - when she was papped avec floppy ears.
But what made us smile even more than the amusing listening devices on a headband... is the sign she was caught next to.
Now, clearly this was just one of those unfortunate coincidences...
Poor Evangeline walked past a sign on the wall saying 'No soliciting', dressed in bunny ears and a pair of skimpy hotpants.
Evangeline Lilly and that dodgy signBless. The Lost star was just doing an everyday chore when the clever photographer got the cheeky shot.
May we reiterate... Evangeline was NOT working the street.

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