The Lost Blog

Ratings for "Meet Kevin Johnson" Are In!

It's been strange to watch Lost steadily decline in the ratings over the past eight weeks, and I wish there was some kind of sensible explanation for it. The show has been keeping up the same high quality as always, so that's not the problem. Are people just busy on Thursday nights and DVRing the show for a later date? Is Lost's lack of a popular lead in hurting it? Who knows."Meet Kevin Johnson" brought in 11.28 million viewers, which is the lowest tally for the season. Maybe the show will do better when it moves to 10pm after Grey's Anatomy next month. Surely a few people must enjoy wacky medical love triangles and time traveling mysteries.

"The Beginning of the End" -- 16.07 million
"Confirmed Dead" -- 15.06 million"
The Economist" -- 13.62 million
"Eggtown" -- 13.53 million
"The Constant" -- 12.9 million
"The Other Woman" -- 13.0 million
"Ji Yeon" -- 11.87 million
"Meet Kevin Johnson" -- 11.28 million

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